11th Friedrich World Championship, 2016

Statistics of all 33 games

A: The individual games

No. Turns Friedrich Elisabeth Maria Theresa Pompadour Real
1 15 Richard Sivél
Hendrik Möschler
(R=6P / Swe=5P / IA=0P)
Christian Blattner
(A=5P )
Alex Calderon
3h 40m 42m 63m
Fate: India(8), Elisabeth(9), Sweden(13), America(15=END); Lord Bute(17), Poems(21)
2 14 Klaus Blum
Marius Meierhöfer
(R=7P / Swe=5P)
Jürgen Winter
(A=8.13P / IA=4P)
Andrew Brown
4h 00m 40m 61m
Fate:Sweden(11), Lord Bute(13), END=14 Elisabeth(16), India(17), Poems(22), America(23)
3 15 Christian Yorck
John McCullough
(R=7P / Swe=5P)
Maurice de Wijs
(A=9.38P / IA=8P)
Raph. Sümpelmann
5h 00m 47m 32m
Fate: Sweden(7), America(9), Poems(11), Lord Bute(12), Ende=15, India(18), Elisabeth(19)
4 14 Anton Telle
Karsten Kraft
(R=4P / Swe=1P / IA=4P)
Stefan Schönweiß
(A=5P )
Kai Windmöller
3h 07m 49m 73m
Fate: Sweden(6), Elisabeth(7), America(8), India(14=END), Lord Bute(22), Poems(23)
5 9 Rouven Lotze
Christoph Kaminski
(R=9P / Swe=2P)
Rodrigo Witzel
(A=6.88P / IA=3P)
Martin Höfer
2h 30m 89m 61m
Fate: Sweden(6), Poems(7), END=9, America(12), Lord Bute(13), Elisabeth(14), India(21)
6 14 Mark Luta
Arnold de Wijs
(R=12P / Swe=3P)
Florian Blum
(A=9.17P )
Peter Hannappel
(F=9P / IA=6P)
4h 45m 25m 48m
Fate: India(9), America(11), Poems(13), END=14, Lord Bute(15), Sweden(18), Elisabeth(20)
7 18 Guy Atkinson
Alexander Heinz
(R=12P / Swe=4P)
Stephan Jordan
(A=6.88P / IA=7P)
Andreas Zölitz
5h 00m 11m 22m
Fate: Poems(7), India(14), Lord Bute(17), America(18=END), Elisabeth(21), Sweden(22)
8 21 Jose Bonilla Rau
Andr. Buschhaus
(R=7P / Swe=4P / IA=2P)
Bjorn v. Knorring
Bernd Preiß
5h 10m 16m 34m
Fate: Elisabeth(8), Sweden(9), Poems(11), America(18), Lord Bute(20), India(21=END)
9 8 Florian Blum
Christian Blattner
(R=12P / Swe=2P)
Marius Meierhöfer
(A=3.13P / IA=6P)
John McCullough
2h 25m 70m 91m
Fate: Poems(6), END=8, India(9), Sweden(13), Elisabeth(15), America(18), Lord Bute(20)
10 19 Andr. Buschhaus
Guy Atkinson
(R=7P / Swe=4P / IA=6P)
Kai Windmöller
Thorsten Hennig
3h 25m 58m 63m
Fate: Elisabeth(10), America(11), Poems(14), Lord Bute(15), Sweden(18), India(19=END)
11 12 Arnold de Wijs
Richard Sivél
(R=4P / Swe=4P)
Klaus Blum
(A=12P / IA=8P)
Christian Yorck
3h 15m 59m 65m
Fate: Lord Bute(9), Poems(11), India(12=END), Elisabeth(16), Sweden(20), America(21)
12 23 Stephan Jordan
Bjorn v. Knorring
(R=9P / Swe=4P / IA=6P)
Christoph Kaminski
Karsten Kraft
4h 45m 29m 31m
Fate: Sweden(10), Elisabeth(13), India(15), Poems(19), Lord Bute(21), America(23=END)
13 21 Alexander Heinz
Jose Bonilla Rau
(R=6P / Swe=4P / IA=8P)
Rouven Lotze
Anton Telle
5h 20m −6m 39m
Fate: Sweden(6), Elisabeth(8), Lord Bute(9), Poems(10), America(20), India(21=END)
14 22 Peter Hannappel
Alex Calderon
(R=6P / Swe=6P)
Andrew Brown
Maurice de Wijs
(F=9P / IA=4P)
6h 15m 7m 33m
Fate: Lord Bute(7), India(8), Elisabeth(11), America(16), Poems(21), Sweden(22=EDNE)
15 23 Hendrik Möschler
Mark Luta
(R=6P / Swe=6P)
Raph. Sümpelmann
Jürgen Winter
(F=6P / IA=6P)
6h 18m −5m 7m
Fate: Elisabeth(7), India(11), Lord Bute(14), America(15), Sweden(23=END)
16 19 Andreas Zölitz
Bernd Preiß
(R=8P / Swe=3P)
Martin Höfer
(A=13P / IA=10P)
Stefan Schönweiß
6h 49m −11m −9m
Fate: America(11), Poems(16), Lord Bute(17), Elisabeth(19=END), India(20), Sweden(21)
17 8 Maurice de Wijs
Kai Windmöller
(R=4P / Swe=8P)
Richard Sivél
Marius Meierhöfer
(F=7P / IA=6P)
1h 55m 95m 85m
Fate: America(6), India(7), Lord Bute(8=END), Elisabeth(12), Poems(14), Sweden(20)
18 8 Stefan Schönweiß
Andrew Brown
(R=6P / Swe=4P)
Guy Atkinson
(A=12P / IA=5P)
Christoph Kaminski
2h 00m 93m 94m
Fate: Elisabeth(8=END), Sweden(10), America(12), India(18), Lord Bute(22)
19 18 Alex Hofmann
Peter Hannappel
(R=11.5P / Swe=4P)
Jose Bonilla Rau
Hendrik Möschler
(F=9P / IA=6P)
5h 15m 30m 40m
Fate: Poems(9), America(11), Lord Bute(14), India(16), END=18, Sweden(20), Elisabeth(22)
20 23 Bernd Preiß
Stephan Jordan
(R=4P / Swe=2P / IA=2P)
Anton Telle
Florian Blum
5h 30m 8m 3m
Fate: Sweden(6), Elisabeth(7), Poems(13), America(14), Lord Bute(21), India(23=END)
21 18 Bjorn v. Knorring
Andreas Zölitz
(R=9P / Swe=2P)
Mark Luta
Rouven Lotze
(F=8P / IA=6P)
5h 55m 20m −12m
Fate: America(6), Poems(9), India(14), Sweden(16), Elisabeth(18=END), Lord Bute(20)
22 22 Christian Blattner
Raph. Sümpelmann
(R=7P / Swe=3P)
Karsten Kraft
Arnold de Wijs
(F=7P / IA=6P)
5h 24m 22m 12m
Fate: Sweden(9), America(10), Lord Bute(11), India(15), Poems(19), Elisabeth(22)
23 21 Alex Calderon
Klaus Blum
(R=2P / Swe=6P / IA=8P)
John McCullough
Alexander Heinz
6h 34m −1m 15m
Fate: Elisabeth(8), America(10), Sweden(14), Poems(18), Lord Bute(20), END=21, India(23)
24 16 Jürgen Winter
Martin Höfer
(R=12P / Swe=2P)
Christian Yorck
(A=7.5P / IA=4P)
Andr. Buschhaus
5h 40m 12m 0m
Fate: Sweden(7), Poems(11), America(16=END), Lord Bute(18), India(19), Elisabeth(23)
25 12 Martin Höfer
Anton Telle
(R=7P / Swe=6P)
Peter Hannappel
(A=12P / IA=8P)
Guy Atkinson
3h 27m 11m 56m
Fate: Elisabeth(8), Poems(10), America(11), Lord Bute(12=END), India(14), Sweden(17)
26 15 John McCullough
Jürgen Winter
(R=8P / Swe=3P / IA=0P)
Arnold de Wijs
Bjorn v. Knorring
3h 45m 50m 40m
Fate: Sweden(7), Elisabeth(9), Poems(10), India(12), America(15=END), Lord Bute(19)
27 14 Karsten Kraft
Maurice de Wijs
(R=5P / Swe=2P)
Andr. Buschhaus
(A=12P / IA=4P)
Klaus Blum
3h 35m 49m 48m
Fate: Elsiabeth(8), Poems(10), America(12), END=14, Sweden(19), India(22), Lord Bute(23)
28 10 Andrew Brown
Christian Yorck
(R=5P / Swe=6P)
Hendrik Möschler
Stephan Jordan
(F=9P / IA=6P)
2h 05m 75m 76m
Fate: India(6), Elisabeth(7), America(9), India(10=END), Poems(15), Lord Bute(16)
29 9 Kai Windmöller
Rouven Lotze
(R=7P / Swe=4P)
Bernd Preiß
(A=1.88P / IA=8P)
Christian Blattner
1h 49m 74m 94m
Fate: Poems(7), END=9, Sweden(12), India(13), Elisabeth(15), Lord Bute(19), America(20)
30 9 Marius Meierhöfer
Thorsten Groß
(R=8P / Swe=4P)
Alex Calderon
(A=3.75P / IA=12P)
Mark Luta
1h 45m 106m 66m
Fate: India(6), Sweden(7), America(9=END), Poems(12), Elisabeth(18), Lord Bute(20)
31 18 Christoph Kaminski
Florian Blum
(R=8P / Swe=2P)
Andreas Zölitz
(A=9.38P / IA=3P)
Jose Bonilla Rau
5h 24m −3m 41m
Fate: Poems(6), Elisabeth(9), India(12), Lord Bute(17), END=18, Sweden(19), America(22)
32 20 Raph. Sümpelmann
Stefan Schönweiß
(R=8P / Swe=5P / IA=8P)
Alexander Heinz
Richard Sivél
7h 07m −10m −11m
Fate: Sweden(9), Lord Bute(12), Poems(15), America(17), Elisabeth(19), India(20=END)
F 14 Jose Bonilla Rau Christian Blattner Peter Hannappel) Martin Höfer 4h 35m 38m 60m
Fate: Lord Bute(7), Poems(8), Elisabeth(12), India(14=END), Sweden(15), America(23)

B: Victories for the 4 roles

— 1st variant —
Double victories count as a complete victory for each winning nation.
Role wins (total) separated by nations wins in %
Friedrich 13 13 Pr-def 0 Pr-OO 38.2%
Elisabeth 5 5 R 0 Swe 0 IA 14.7%
Maria Theresa 9 8 A 2 IA* 26.5%
Mme. Pompadour 7 7 F 0 IA 20.6%
* Note: There was 1 Austrian-Imperial double victory, therefore only 9 Maria Theresa wins in total.

— 2nd variant —
Double victories count as a half victory for each winning nation.
Role wins (total) separated by nations wins in %
Friedrich 13 13 Pr-def 0 Pr-OO 39.4%
Elisabeth 4.5 4.5 R 0 Swe 0 IA 13.6%
Maria Theresa 8.5 7 A 1.5 IA 25.8%
Mme. Pompadour 7 7 F 0 IA 21.2%

— 3rd variant —
Double victories are always won by Pompadour, and always lost by Maria Theresa.
However, a double-win by one player always prevails and is counted for the "big" nation (e.g. Austria).
Role wins (total) separated by nations wins in %
Friedrich 13 13 Pr-def 0 Pr-OO 39.4%
Elisabeth 5 5 R 0 Swe 0 IA 15.2%
Maria Theresa 8 7 A 1 IA 24.2%
Mme. Pompadour 7 7 F 0 IA 21.2%

Statistics of all FWC games
— According to variant 1 —
Double-wins by 1 player are counted only for the "big" nation.
Role wins (total) separated by nations wins in %
Friedrich 101 101 Pr-def 0 Pr-OO 33.0%
Elisabeth 61 46 R 10 Swe 5 IA 19.9%
Maria Theresa 92 83 A 9 IA 30.1%
Mme. Pompadour 52 51 F 1 IA 17.0%

— According to variant 3 —
Double-wins by 1 player are counted only for the "big" nation.
Role wins (total) separated by nations wins in %
Friedrich 101 101 Pr-def 0 Pr-OO 35.8%
Elisabeth 51 42 R 10 Swe 4 IA 19.9%
Maria Theresa 73 64 A 9 IA 25.9%
Mme. Pompadour 52 51 F 1 IA 18.4%

C: Overview

Game Prussian
turns real time min/turn chess clock: min/turn
Pr/Ha ------ Att.
TC-coef Winnerger
1 Richard Sivél 15 3h 40m 14,7 5,9 4,5 0,76 Pr/Ha
2 Klaus Blum 14 4h 00m 17,1 6,4 4,9 0,64 F
3 Christian Yorck 15 5h 00m 20,0 5,5 6,5 0,63 F
4 Anton Telle 14 3h 07m 13,4 5,8 4,1 0,82 Pr/Ha
5 Rouven Lotze 9 2h 30m 16,7 4,6 7,7 0,63 F
6 Mark Luta 14 4h 45m 20,4 7,5 5,9 0,66 R
7 Guy Atkinson 18 5h 00m 16,7 6,6 6,0 0,56 R
8 Jose Bonilla Rau 21 5h 10m 14,8 5,4 4,6 0,74 Pr/Ha
9 Florian Blum 8 2h 25m 18,1 7,5 4,9 0,61 R
10 Andreas Buschhaus 19 3h 25m 10,8 3,8 3,5 0,71 Pr/Ha
11 Arnold de Wijs 12 3h 15m 16,2 5,9 5,4 0,60 Ö
12 Stephan Jordan 23 4h 45m 12,4 4,4 4,3 0,75 Pr/Ha
13 Alexander Heinz 21 5h 20m 15,2 6,5 4,3 0,68 Pr/Ha
14 Peter Hannappel 22 6h 15m 17,0 5,6 4,4 0,69 Pr/Ha
15 Hendrik Möschler 23 6h 18m 16,4 5,9 5,3 0,80 Pr/Ha
16 Andreas Zölitz 19 6h 49m 21,5 7,4 7,3 0,63 Ö+IA
17 Maurice de Wijs 8 1h 55m 14,4 4,4 5,6 0,66 Ö
18 Stefan Schönweiß 8 2h 00m 15,0 4,6 4,5 0,64 Ö
19 Alex Hofmann 18 5h 15m 17,5 5,6 5,0 0,58 R+Ö
20 Bernd Preiß 23 5h 30m 14,3 5,3 5,5 0,80 Pr/Ha
21 Bjorn von Knorring 18 5h 55m 19,7 6,1 7,9 0,62 Pr/Ha
22 Christian Blattner 22 5h 24m 14,7 4,9 5,4 0,63 Pr/Ha
23 Alex Calderon 21 6h 34m 18,8 6,2 5,5 0,81 Ö
24 Jürgen Winter 16 5h 40m 21,2 7,4 8,1 0,62 R
25 Martin Höfer 12 3h 27m 17,2 9,9 6,2 0,69 Ö
26 John McCullough 15 3h 45m 15,0 5,3 6,0 0,71 Pr/Ha
27 Karsten Kraft 14 3h 35m 15,4 5,8 5,9 0,69 Ö
28 Andrew Brown 10 2h 05m 12,5 5,5 5,4 0,74 Pr/Ha
29 Kai Windmöller 9 1h 49m 12,1 6,2 4,0 0,61 F
30 Marius Meierhöfer 9 1h 45m 11,7 2,7 7,1 0,67 IA
31 Christoph Kaminski 18 5h 24m 18,0 7,4 4,9 0,66 F
32 Raph. Sümpelmann 20 7h 07m 21,4 7,0 7,0 0,61 F
F Jose Bonilla Rau 14 4h 35m 19,6 6,6 5,0 0,56 F
ø 15,8 3h 53m 16,4 5,9 5,5 0,67
TC-Coeff. = Quotient aus (Gesamtzahl der TK von Pr/Ha) geteilt durch (Gesamtzahl der TK aller Angreifer) berechnet aus den tatsächlich zugeteilten TK.