Components from


The gameboard

To the left is the Federal Republic of Gemany. It consists of 8 provinces (7 in its core country and West Berlin being as the 8th). To the right is the German Democratic Republic with 6 provinces (5 plus East Berlin). For ease of reference, the two states will be referred to West and East from now on.
Note that Hamburg is no province of its own. Instead, West may decide every time anew whether it belongs to Schleswig-Holstein or Niedersachsen.
The provinces for West and East Berlin are enlargened in a separate map (top right). West Berlin is one province, but is divided into 3 sectors.
There are cities, for instance Ingolstadt.
Note that the city of Berlin is depicted on the main map. It does not belong to Brandenburg (since East Berlin is an individual province).
Cities are connected with each other. The blue lines show how many infrastructures are needed to make the connection a i>working connection.
4 cities are outside of Germany(2 in the ČSSR and 2 in Poland).
For each West Berlin sector there is one corresponding sector in West Germany, as indicated by the same flag as the West Berlin sector. For instance, Nordrhein-Westfalen corresponds tp the British sector of West Berlin.
In the top left of the board there are 3 tracks: 1 for prestige, 1 for Western currency, and 1 for socialists.
At the bottom, there is the flight track. This track is used to determine how hard the East economy is hit by their people running away.
The game is played in 4 decades. At the end of each decade, 10 steps are played through, which are shown here. The first step is the flight from the republic, followed by resolving the prestige track, and so on.
East wanted to build up socialism. Resolving the socialist track will give East a certain number of new socialists. These are sent to the socialist holding box, where they wait for being committed.

The playing pieces and tokens

West factory

East factory
The game comes with die-cut tokens like factories and infrastructures. Factories have a variable value: On its own, a factory has always the value of 1. When connected by infrastructures to other factories, its value increases by +1 for each connected factory. Whenever the value changes, a factory is rotated in such a way that the number pointing northwards corresponds to it current value.


Rundown East factory
East factories may become rundown. The value of a rundown factory is always 1 less than a normal factory.



Living standard
There are also 97 wooden pieces: Unrest cubes, socialist cubes and octogonal living standard pieces.

West mass protest

East mass protest

Track markers
For every 4 unrest cubes in a province, 1 mass protest marker is put into that province. The first 4 West mass protests are labelled NO POWER TO NOBODY. The first 4 East mass protests are labelled WE ARE THE PEOPLE.

There are also track markers which are used for the prestige, Western currency, socialist and flight track.

The playing cards

Yellow card

Red card
The game comes with 84 playing cards. These are the mechanical engine of the game. The cards are divided into 4 decades. Each card refers to one important event of german-german history, for instance Berlin Airlift, the short term Berlin visa agreement, or the forced merger of the SPD and KPD.

Every card has a title, a graphic art, a value and an iconized effect of the event. When the graphic art is yellow, it is a yellow card; when it is red, it is a red card.

The colour of the graphic tells you which side is profiting from the event.

Some cards have 2 different values. The one in the yellow box is valid for West, the one in the red box is valid for East.

Dual card

Special card of
decade II
Some cards have a mixed red-yellow graphic art. These cards are called dual cards. (They have their title in red characters for even clearer differentiation.)

For each decade there exists 1 special card. This card refers to a most incisive event, for instance to the building of the Berlin wall.

Download the base game rules:
s s s s s s s s s
Download the 2+2-rules:
s s s