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Boardgamegeek is a website built on top of a large database of boardgames of all kinds. Every game in the database of more than 20.000 games gets its own page, where users of the site can post pictures, reviews, session reports, ratings, or general comments. Some tools of boardgamegeek can only be used after costfree registration.

Why Maria is my #2 wargame
Justus Pendleton writes:
This lack of information means engagements are extremely tense, especially early on. You start out in a near complete fog of war. You know your strengths but not your opponents'. As the War progresses you gradually acquire that information (...) Bluffing plays a much larger role in Maria than most other wargames I have played.

Maria — I highly recommend it!
And leroy43 thinks:
My favorite element of Maria is the political phase. I like the dynamic that's created by having to invest one's limited card supply into the political arena, deciding whether to bluff or not, and then the agony of either leaving one's political capital in, or dumping an unpleasant event. Another thing I like is the possibility of getting a deal negotiated in exchange for (not) playing an event (...) Richard Sivél has created a dynamic tense game with immense replay value. I highly recommend it.

The third player adds the juice to the duel!
Here a review on the Czech website
Despite its simplicity, Maria provides a truly comprehensive experience. (...) Maria is a game, that offers tons of hours of fun for every war game enthusiast. The whole gaming system is based on detailed historical data, but you do not need them for play. You will enjoy yourself even if you have not a clue, who Maria Theresa was (...) This and some very original ideas lead to one conclusion: Maria is a great game for all fans of wargames and certainly deserves attention from everyone, who is in some way interested in history (...) Overall, Maria is an excellent wargame.

The rules for download
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