18th Friedrich World Championship
from 8 to 10 Sept, 2023, in Berlin

The Format

From 8 to 10 September, 2023, the 18th Friedrich World Championship was held in Berlin.

Where? The FWC was played in the big hall of the Johannis church community. The St. Johannis church is a wonderful Schinkel & Stüler building, in Alt-Moabit 23-25, 10559 Berlin.

Who? All Friedrich players who wanted to spend one weekend competing for the world championship crown had been invited to participate.

Format. The Championship was played in 2 rounds. In the first round, the qualification round, every participant played 4 games, one in each of the four roles: Frederick, Maria Theresa, Elisabeth, and Madame Pompadour. Players received points for how they did in each game (win or lose). On Sunday evening, the 4 players with the most points competed in the final match for the 17th Friedrich World Championship.

Further information about the tournament rules can be found

Friday afternoon, shadows and lights. (Game 5)

The schedule was:
Friday, 8 Sept, 5:00 pm: Start of game No. 1
Saturday, 9 Sept, 10:00 am: Start of game No. 2
Saturday, 9 Sept, 5:00 pm: Start of game No. 3
Sunday, 10 Sept, 10:00 am: Start of game No. 4
Sunday, 10 Sept, 6:10 pm: Start of the FINAL
Sunday, 10 Sept, midnight: Award Ceremony