18th Frederick World Championship, 2023

Statistics of all 29 games

A: The individual games

No. turns Frederick Elisabeth Maria Theresa Pompadour real
clock unused
clock unusedt
1 5 Daniel Zarazaga
Guy Atkinson
(R=6P / Swe=2P)
Bartek Żmuda
(A=5.63P / IA=5P)
David Önkür
0h 55m 117m 107m
Fate: END=5, America(6), Elisabeth(10), Poems(14), LB(16), India(18), Sweden(18)
2 18 Alex Calderon
Andrew Brown
(R=8P / Swe=4P / IA= 4)
Marcus Straßmann
Michael Kothe
5h 15m 15m 25m
Fate: Sweden(8), America(11), Elisabeth(12), LB(16), India(18=END), Poems (19)
3 22 Peter Hannappel
Richard Sivél
(R=6P / Swe=8P)
Arnold de Wijs
Loughlin Deegan
5h 05m 37m 29m
Fate: LB(7), America(8), India(12), Elisabeth(14), Poems(17), Sweden(22=END)
4 14 Stephan Jordan
Karsten Droste
(R=7 / Swe=6 /IA=4P)
Jürgen Winter
John McCullough
3h 50m 59m 35m
Fate: LB(6), India(9), Elisabeth(11), Sweden(13), END=14, America(19), Poems(23)
5 17 Ramon Guillamat
Mark Luta
(R=7P / Swe=8P)
Maurice de Wijs
Jose Bonilla Rau
(F=9P / IA=8P)
5h 10m 17m 25m
Fate: India(9), America(11), Sweden(14), LB(15), Elisabeth(17=END), Poems(20)
6 21 Stefan Schönweiß
Klaus Blum
(R=6P / Swe=2P / IA=4P)
Steffen Schröder
Tobias Kriener
4h 10m 55m 40m
Fate: Sweden(9), Poems(10), America(14), Elisabeth(14), LB(18), America(19), END=21, India(22)
7 16 Bernd Preiß
Alex Schröder
(R=3P / Swe=8P / IA=2P)
Bjorn von Knorrring
Christian Blattner
3h 30m 40m 63m
Fate: India(6), Elisabeth(12), Sweden(15), America(16=END), Poems(18), LB(20)
8 15 Maurice de Wijs
Bjorn v. Knorring
(R=12P / Swe=3P)
Guy Atkinson
(A=7.5P / IA=2P)
Klaus Blum
3h 45m 35m 57m
Fate: India(10), America(11), Sweden(13), LB(14) END=15, Poems(16), Elisabeth(20),
9 18 Arnold de Wijs
Jürgen Winter
(R=8P / Swe=8P)
Mark Luta
Andrew Brown
(F=7P /IA=8P)
5h 20m -2m 0m
Fate: India(8), Sweden(15), America(17), END=18, Elisabeth(19), LB(20), Poems(23)
10 17 Karsten Droste
Bernd Preiß
(R=9P / Swe=6P)
Daniel Zarazaga
Stefan Schönweiß
(F=9P / IA=8P)
5h 20m 2m 25m
Fate: Sweden(8), America(11), India(14), Elisabeth(17=END), Poems(20), LB(22)
11 16 Loughlin Deegan
John McCullough
(R=12P / Swe=4P)
Jose Bonilla Rau
(A=8.75P / IA=9)
Marcus Straßmann
5h 00m -5m 32m
Fate: LB(7), India(8), Poems(14), Elisabeth(16=END), America(17), Sweden(21)
12 16 Richard Sivél
Stephan Jordan
(R=7P / Swe=4P / IA=6P)
Ramon Guillamat
Alex Calderon
5h 05m 35m 16m
Fate: Sweden(11), India(12), Elisabeth(14), America(16=END), Poems(21), LB(22)
13 21 Alex Schröder
Peter Hannappel
(R=8P / Swe=5P)
Tobias Kriener
Bartek Żmuda
(F=7P / IA=0P)
3h 50m 58m 44m
Fate: Sweden(11), America(16), India(17), LB(18), Poems(20), Elisabeth(21)
14 11 Michael Kothe
Christian Blattner
(R=9P / Swe=2P)
David Önkür
(A=8.13P / IA=11.5P)
Steffen Schröder
3h 10m 50m 80m
Fate: Elisabeth(10), India(11=END), LB(12), America(13), Geidchte(19), Sweden(22)
15 21 Bjorn v. Knorring
David Önkür
(R=8P / Swe=3P)
Stefan Schönweiß
Richard Sivél
(F=6P / IA=2P)
4h 40m 29m 38m
Fate: Sweden(6), India(7), LB(11), Poems(14), America(16), Elisabeth(21)
16 20 John McCullough
Arnold de Wijs
(R=9P / Swe=9P)
Bernd Preiß
Ramon Guillamat
(F=8P / IA=4P)
4h 30m 17m 19m
Fate: LB(10), America(13), Sweden()16), India(19), Elisabeth(20=END), Poems(23)
17 20 Marcus Straßmann
Tobias Kriener
(R=9P / Swe=3P / IA=2P)
Christian Blattner
Guy Atkinson
4h 55m -12m 61m
Fate: LB(11), Sweden(12), India(13), Elisabeth(18), END=20, Poems(21), America(23)
18 21 Bartek Żmuda
Michael Kothe
(R=6P / Swe=5P)
Klaus Blum
Mark Luta
(F=8P / IA=8P)
4h 50m 32m 14m
Fate: India(10), Sweden(11), America(16), LB(18), Poems(20), Elisabeth(21)
19 20 Steffen Schröder
Daniel Zarazaga
(R=4P / Swe=0P / IA=8P)
Stephan Jordan
Alex Schröder
3h 45m 33m 45m
Fate: Sweden(6), Poems(10), LB(15), Elisabeth(16), America(17), END=20, India(21)
20 22 Andrew Brown
Jose Bonilla Rau
(R=7P / Swe=2P / IA=8P)
Peter Hannappel
Karsten Droste
5h 10m 40m 13m
Fate: Sweden(7), Elisabeth(10), America(15), Poems(16), LB(20), India(22)
21 19 Jürgen Winter
Loughlin Deegan
(R=6P / Swe=8P)
Alex Calderon
(A=12P / IA=6P)
Maurice de Wijs
5h 50m 5m 19m
Fate: Elisabeth(12), Poems(13), LB(16), India(18), Sweden(19=END), America(22)
22 17 Mark Luta
Alex Calderon
(R=12P / Swe=4P)
Karsten Droste
(A=6.88P / IA=1Pl)
Bjorn v. Knorring
5h 50m 12m 1m
Fate: LB(13), Sweden(15), America(16), END=17, Elisabeth(18), Poems(19), India(23)
23 22 Jose Bonilla Rau
Bartek Żmuda
(R=9P / Swe=7P)
Richard Sivél
Jürgen Winter
(F=7P / IA=8P)
6h 40m 3m -1m
Fate: Sweden(9), LB(12), Poems(17), Elisabeth(19), India (22=END)
24 23 Christian Blattner
Stefan Schönweiß
(R=9P / Swe=7P)
Loughlin Deegan
Stephan Jordan
(F=8P / IA=8P)
5h 30m 22m 10m
Fate: LB(6), America(10), Sweden(14), India(21), Poems(22), Elisabeth(23=END)
25 18 Guy Atkinson
Steffen Schröder
(R=7P / Swe=4P)
John McCullough
Peter Hannappel
(F=8P / IA=0P)
3h 50m 35m 60m
Fate: India(6), LB(8), Elisabeth(15), America(17), Sweden(18=END), Poems(19)
26 19 David Önkür
Maurice de Wijs
(R=5P / Swe=5P /IA=5P)
Andrew Brown
Bernd Preiß
6h 10m 40m 40m
Fate: Sweden(8), Poems(10), LB(11), Elisabeth(13), END=19; India(21), America(22)
27 17 Klaus Blum
Marcus Straßmann
(R=11.5P / Swe=7P)
Alex Calderon
(A=11.5P / IA=6P)
Arnold de Wijs
4h 10m 52m 32m
Fate: India (10), Poems(17=END), LB(19), Sweden(20), America(22), Elisabeth(23)
28 22 Tobias Kriener
Ramon Guillamat
(R=9P / Swe=1P)
Michael Kothe
Daniel Zarazaga
(F=7P / IA=4P)
5h 55m 19m 5m
Fate: Sweden(10), America(11), Poems(13), India(19), Elisabeth(22=END), Poems(23)
F 22 John McCullough
Christian Blattner
Alex Calderon
Bjorn v. Knorring
5h 30m 4m 7m
Fate: LB(10), India(12), Sweden(14), America(20), Poems(21), Elisabeth(22)

B: Victories for the 4 roles

— 1st variant —
Double/triple victories of different roles count as full victory for each player.
Role wins (total) separated by nations wins in %
Frederick 16 16 Pr-def 0 Pr-OO 50.0%
Elisabeth 4 4 R 0 Swe 0 IA 12.5%
Maria Theresa 8 7 A 1 IA 25.0%
Mme. Pompadour 4 4 F 0 IA 12.5%

— 2nd variant —
Double/triple victories count as a half/third victory for each winning nation.
Role wins (total) separated by nations wins in %
Frederick 16 16 Pr-def 0 Pr-OO 55.2%
Elisabeth 3.5 3.5 R 0 Swe 0 IA 12.7%
Maria Theresa 6.5 5.5 A 1 IA 22.4%
Mme. Pompadour 3.0 3.0 F 0 IA 10.3%

— 3rd variant —
Double/triple victories are always won by Pompadour, and always lost by Maria Theresa.
However, a double-win by one player always prevails and is counted for the "big" nation (e.g. Austria).
Double victories by one player count for the "dominant" nation, e.g. Austria.
Role wins (total) separated by nations wins in %
Frederick 16 16 Pr-def 0 Pr-OO 55.2%
Elisabeth 4 4 R 0 Swe 0 IA 13.8%
Maria Theresa 5 4 A 1 IA 17.2%
Mme. Pompadour 4 4 F 0 IA 13.8%

Statistics of all FWC games
— According to variant 1 —
Role wins (total) separated by nations wins in %
Frederick 169 169 Pr-def 0 Pr-OO 35.1%
Elisabeth 97 75 R 14 Swe 8 IA 20.1%
Maria Theresa 138 125 A 13 IA 28.6%
Mme. Pompadour 78 74 F 4 IA 16.2%

— According to variant 3 —
Role wins (total) separated by nations wins in %
Frederick 169 169 Pr-def 0 Pr-OO 37.5%
Elisabeth 90 69 R 14 Swe 7 IA 20.0%
Maria Theresa 108 96 A 12 IA 23.9%
Mme. Pompadour 84 75 F 3 IA 18.6%

C: Overview

Game Prussian
turns real time min/turn chess clock: min/turn
Pr/Ha ------ Att.
sTCC winner
1 Daniel Zarazaga 5 0h 55m 11.0 2.6 4.6 0.83 F
2 Alex Calderon 18 5h 15m 17.5 6.4 5.8 0.85 Pr/Ha
3 Peter Hannappel 22 5h 05m 13.9 4.2 4.6 0.67 Pr/Ha
4 Stephan Jordan 14 3h 50m 16.4 5.1 6.8 0.73 F
5 Ramon Guillamat 17 5h 10m 18.2 6.6 6.2 0.80 Pr/Ha
6 Stefan Schönweiß 21 4h 10m 11.9 3.6 4.3 0.66 A
7 Bernd Preiß 16 3h 30m 13.1 5.6 4.2 0.88 Pr/Ha
8 Maurice de Wijs 15 3h 45m 15.0 6.3 4.9 0.70 R
9 Arnold de Wijs 18 5h 20m 17.8 7.3 7.2 0.76 A
10 Karsten Droste 17 5h 20m 18.8 7.5 6.2 0.82 Pr/Ha
11 Loughlin Deegan 16 5h 00m 18.8 8.4 6.1 0.68 R
12 Richard Sivél 16 5h 05m 19.1 5.9 7.1 0.83 Pr/Ha
13 Alex Schröder 21 3h 50m 11.0 3.4 4.1 0.67 Pr/Ha
14 Michael Kothe 11 3h 10m 17.3 7.3 4.5 0.76 IA+F
15 Bjorn v. Knorring 21 4h 40m 13.3 4.8 4.4 0.66 Pr/Ha
16 John McCullough 20 4h 30m 13.5 5.7 5.6 0.64 Pr/Ha
17 Marcus Straßmann 20 4h 55m 14.8 7.1 3.5 0.64 A
18 Bartek Żmuda 21 4h 50m 13.8 4.7 5.5 0.72 Pr/Ha
19 Steffen Schröder 20 3h 45m 11.3 4.9 4.3 0.66 Pr/Ha
20 Andrew Brown 22 5h 10m 14.1 4.1 5.3 0.79 Pr/Ha
21 Jürgen Winter 19 5h 50m 18.4 6.6 5.8 0.68 A
22 Mark Luta 17 5h 50m 20.6 6.9 7.6 R Pr/Ha
23 Jose Bonilla Rau 22 6h 40m 18.2 5.8 6.0 0.63 Pr/Ha
24 Christian Blattner 23 5h 30m 14.3 4.7 5.3 0.58 Pr/Ha
25 Guy Atkinson 18 3h 50m 12.8 5.3 3.9 0.71 Pr/Ha
26 David Önkür 19 6h 10m 19.5 4.7 4.7 0.65 A+F
27 Klaus Blum 17 4h 10m 14.7 4.6 5.8 0.63 R+A
28 Tobias Kriener 22 5h 55m 16.1 5.0 5.7 0.66 Pr/Ha
F John McCullough 22 5h 30m 15.0 5.7 5.6 0.64 Pr/Ha
ø 18.3 4h 43m 15.5 5.5 5.4 0.71
sTCC = scaled TC-coefficient, calulated as follows: Let N be the number of turns until France, Sweden and
Russia drop out, then the sTCC is: The quotient of (Number of TCs Frederick received or would
have received until turn N) di- vided by (Number of TCs the attacking nations received or would
have received until turn N) multiplied (scaled) by the square root of (23/N).